Bring Your Own Hand Tool


The MRI with contrast injected into my toe joint was today. I took an entire gram of Clonazepam, and found out trying to preempt anxiety inducing situations doesn’t work. I ended up with a mental status of “Hey man, everthins alright,” and a physical status of “EEEEEEEEE! TERROR! STOMACH TWIST UP NOW!!” It was completely bewildering. 

I cursed and giggled hysterically during the injection, and came close to crying hysterically after. The doctor said it was a very thin needle, but it felt like he used a screwdriver then set the mess on fire. Lying completely still with my hand tool foot in an immobiliser for the 30 minutes scan was…well I had to try very, very hard not to get hysterical. 

Coming down from it now, I realise the Clonazepam probably just delayed the inevitable. I guess that’s good, in that they got the scan. But now, on this beautiful day, I have this very strong urge to run down the street screaming. 

Whatcha say?